• 03:05
  • Monday ,08 August 2011

Calm returns to Girga in Upper Egypt


Home News


Monday ,08 August 2011

Calm returns to Girga in Upper Egypt

CAIRO – Life is going to back normal in the City of Girga in the Upper Egyptian Governorate in Sohag, about 650km south of Cairo, the Middle East News Agency reported on Monday.

Clashes between families in Sohag had erupted on Saturday night, leaving two people killed and another 17 injured.
   The problem started when two tok-tok drivers began arguing, after one of them tried to overtake the other. The families of the two drivers rushed to the scene and started shooting each other.
     Police imposed a security cordon around Girga, to prevent further violence, according to a senior security official, while local elders and the heads of the families consulted together, in order to defuse the crisis.
   On Monday, the Prosecution ordered the formation of a technical committee to investigate the incident and evaluate the losses to the shops that were damaged, as well as three cars, in the violence.