• 08:15
  • Tuesday ,06 March 2012

Egypt PM meets with ministers to discuss NGO fallout


Home News


Tuesday ,06 March 2012

Egypt PM meets with ministers to discuss NGO fallout

 Egyptian Prime Minister Kamal El-Ganzouri held a meeting on Monday with a ministerial security committee to discuss the latest developments in the foreign-funded NGO case. The meeting comes in the wake of the Thursday departure of several foreign NGO workers indicted in the case from the country.

El-Ganzouri, Justice Minister Adel Abdel Hamid, and International Cooperation Minister Fayza Aboul-Naga, along with Egypt's ruling military council, have all fallen under heavy criticism by different political parties and groups due to the abrupt decision last week to lift a government travel ban on the indicted foreigners.
Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim stated at a press conference this week at cabinet headquarters that the ministry had "nothing to do" with lifting the travel ban or allowing the foreign NGO workers to leave the country. Ibrahim placed responsibility for the decision on the country's "ruling authorities," be it the military council, the cabinet or judicial authorities.
Meanwhile, the newly-elected Shura Council (the upper, consultative house of Egypt's parliament) will begin its activity on Tuesday by discussing the ongoing NGO issue.