• 00:25
  • Monday ,07 May 2012

4 candidates for the papacy so far

By-Gergis Wahib

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Monday ,07 May 2012

4 candidates for the papacy so far

 Copts United knew that the number of qualified candidates for the papacy are 4 candidates, and they are: Abba Bishoy, Metropolitan of Damietta and and Kafr al-Sheikh and secretary of the Holy Synod, abba Pfnotios, bishop of Samalut, abba Yoannis, the General Bishop and secretary of His Holiness the late Pope, as well as one of the bishops of the Diaspora.

The source pointed out that Abba Pachomius, the acting patriarch, and Abba Moussa, bishop of youth were nominated and were required to sign a confirmation that they accept to be included, but they refused, and thus they were not nominated officially.