• 00:24
  • Wednesday ,15 August 2012

They were gone before their martyrdom

D. Aida Nassif

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,15 August 2012

They were gone before their martyrdom

 Egypt has suffered recently from various accidents and serious attacks, ended up with that attack against our soldiers in Sinai, but I believe our soldiers were already gone by the time they were attacked and martyred! I mean: they were gone since the attack of the Church of al-Marinab. Moreover, they were gone while the fire of the fanatics was eating the Church of Empapa as well as the gas pipelines in Al-Arish with no action taken.

We now have terrorists who want to terrorize many minds and to kill a lot of people. We had a revolution that impressed the whole world, but with such acts and accidents, we may bring Egypt back to the stone ages with the presence of so many fanatics in the streets of Egypt.
It's very painful to see Egypt like this. Yes, we have to take revenge for our young people who were killed on the boarders, but this is impossible with giving amnesty for famous prisoners who belong to very violent and terroristic groups. Furthermore, upon asking the governor of North Sinai about the warnings of Israel against such attack, he said that everything is fine. I think he was true if he was talking about the terrorists!
Armed Forces were gone when the Coptic Christian families suffered from forced displacement and nobody moved to save those innocent people. Only some commissions were formed, just like the times of the former regime. 
We now have no respect showed for the law, and many political parties are fighting each other for the authority. State can't solve a simple sectarian problem that started with a T-shirt or protect our soldiers on the boarders. Additionally, it can't even move street vendors away from a very significant place like Tahrir Square, and left 1200 tunnels between Egypt and Gaza alone bringing weapons to destroy Egypt.
What can we do now? We can't accept condolences for our dead young people; we can only be comforted when our homeland and dignity is respected with no much talking, but rather working and working.