• 08:47
  • Monday ,26 August 2013

Canadian Egyptians denounce Muslim Brotherhood terrorism in Egypt; Immediate Press Release


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Monday ,26 August 2013

Canadian Egyptians denounce Muslim Brotherhood terrorism in Egypt; Immediate Press Release

Members of the Canadian Egyptian community in Montreal and several human rights organizations will hold a peaceful demonstration on Saturday, August 31st. The objective is to expose and denounce the terrorist acts of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its Islamist allies, and to express their support and solidarity with the Egyptian people in their determination to rebuild a full-fledged democratic state. 

Participants will assemble on:

Date: August 31, 2013, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.

Place: Initial gathering at Philips Square (corner St. Catherine & Union streets) to be followed by a march to the U.S. Consulate on René Levesque Blvd. at 1:00 p.m. 

Since August 14, 2013, the militia of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Jihadist allies have been waging unsolicited attacks, on hundreds of innocent Egyptians, killing 90 police officers and security personnel. In an unprecedented violence in Egypt's modern history, Islamists set ablaze more than 68 churches, monasteries, schools, orphanages and other Christian institutions and scores of Coptic-owned houses and businesses. They burned museums, courts, police stations and other public government buildings. The objective of the Brotherhood was to reclaim the ‘legitimacy’ of their President, Mohammed Morsi at any cost, even if it meant waging civil war and the destruction of the state.

The mass violence spread at once all over the country, while the Sinai Peninsula became a hotbed for terrorist groups. This catastrophic situation was a direct result of the actions taken by Morsi's defunct regime, during which he released condemned terrorists and opened Egypt's borders to thousands of jihadists from across the region; many of them members of Al-Qaeda.

We would like to warn world governments, particularly in the west who, blinded by self-interest, misread the factual scene in Egypt after the June 30, 2013 revolution, whereby Egyptians corrected the course of their January 25 revolution. 

Considering the fact that the challenge of terrorism is already a world issue, the danger of these terrorist groups will not be limited to Egypt, but is bound to spread, first to the neighbouring countries, then to Europe and the rest of the world, unless it is contained quickly and collectively.

In order to avoid dire consequences, occidental leaders should learn from their previous errors, not to acquiesce to terrorist groups.

We call on the international community, represented by the UN, and on all people of good will, who are concerned about world peace, to stand by the Egyptian people in their legitimate war on terrorism, and their firm pursuit of democracy.