• 07:41
  • Thursday ,10 October 2013

Social Solidarity Ministry officially disbands Muslim Brotherhood NGO

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,10 October 2013

Social Solidarity Ministry officially disbands Muslim Brotherhood NGO
Social Solidarity Minister Ahmed al-Boraie announced Wednesday the dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood association, saying that the ministry was operating within the proper legal framework.
In a press conference, Boraie said the dissolution came according to legal measures included in Article No.42 pertaining to NGO law. Violations by the Muslim Brotherhood were referred to the legal affairs committee of the NGOs public federation. The committee then ordered the dissolution after violations were proven to have taken place.
The violations included using violence, storing arms in their headquarters and firing live ammunition from the Moqattam headquarter, killing nine persons and injuring 91 others when protesters were demonstrating against ex-President Mohamed Morsy.
The ministry’s statement said officials in charge of the Muslim Brotherhood NGO were summoned to face the accusations against them. However, they were absent several times, which made the ministry dissolve the organization according to law.
The statement added that the ministry had not adopted exceptional procedures that could be challenged and that it had taken operated legitimately within the law after the 30 June revolution. The ministry had done this in order to send a message that the Egyptian government does not take exclusionary or retaliatory actions against the Muslim Brotherhood.
The minister added that the decision was based on a court ruling issued on 23 September which banned the Muslim Brotherhood and confiscated its properties. Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawy then decided to form a committee to carry out the decision and instructed Boraie to dissolve the NGO.
On Tuesday, the Cabinet decided to remove the association from the registers of NGOs in accordance with the verdict.