• 00:48
  • Tuesday ,15 October 2013

American aid sends a message to Egypt

Monir Beshai

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,15 October 2013

American aid sends a message to Egypt
Once again, we have such debate about the American aid to Egypt. Los Angeles Times published an article on October 10 saying that the aim behind cutting the US aid is to rebuke Egypt for the so called military coup.
The American aid to Egypt started with the Camp David Accords in 1979, which aimed to support peace between Egypt and Israel. Egypt has been receiving American weaponry estimated at $2 billion annually since 1985 in grants and military aid packages.
The American aid has always meant to encourage the countries to comply with its policy and implement its plans. American aid has never gave great concern to the development of Egypt’s economy. Such aid is the cornerstone of U.S. policy in the Middle East and basically serves its interests in the region.
This is how the Muslim Brotherhood earn a good relationship with the American Administration. They convinced the American Administration that they are able to protect the American interests in the region if they came in power. Obama, whose father is Muslim and brother is said to belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, has also supported the Muslim Brotherhood hoping they will be able to fulfill their promises. However, the Egyptian people knew that the Muslim Brotherhood will only bring them destruction and deterioration.
Therefore, millions of Egyptians have participated in unprecedented demonstrations against the Muslim Brotherhood and could overthrow its government with the help of Gen. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military.
The American-Islamic plan has failed and the Muslim Brotherhood couldn’t be saved. The American Administration started to think about cutting the aid. Yet, they were worried about the  American interests in the region.
On October 9, 2013, America decided to partially suspend the aid and stop a scheduled shipping new F-16 fighter jets, tanks, Apache helicopters, missiles and other military equipments. In a phone call that lasted 40 minutes, U.S. Secretary of Defense told General al-Sisi that such measures are but temporary until the Egyptian government shows good performance and proves good intentions. Of course, it was no coincidence that such decision comes at the time leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are standing trial and nominating Gen. al-Sisi for the upcoming presidential elections.
This is but a message to Egypt. Yet, al-Sisi told the U.S. Secretary of Defense that Egypt is much bigger than such talk, and this is not the way to influence the Egyptian decisions. I hope the American Administration understands such message.