• 19:45
  • Thursday ,14 November 2013

What is this clowning, O Messrs!

By-Anthony Wilson - Australia



Thursday ,14 November 2013

What is this clowning, O Messrs!

The article that I wrote under the heading "Miscellaneous" and initiated with the title "trial of the century", where I spoke about the trial of the "deposed" president; I convey to you the first paragraph on the subject.

[The world will be watching on Monday, November 4, 2013 what may occur during the transferring of the "deposed" president by the will of the Egyptian people, Dr Mohamed Morsi Issa al-Ayatt, from his whereabouts under guard to the court for his trial based on what the prosecution has filed against him for crimes he committed before taking office and during his rule against the right of safety of the nation of Egypt and the Egyptian people.]
This section of the paragraph is particular to the trial of the “deposed” under the heading of “trial of the century”.  
Dr Mohamed Morsi Issa al-Ayatt was presented on the day specified "4 November 2013" to the court after the change of the court which was declared by them before being transferred to another court for some wisdom foreseen by  the security forces.
Dr Morsi got off the car that took him dressed in ordinary civilian suit and stood tall holding his head high, using the example of the late President Saddam Hussein in his courage when he was being taken to the "Gallows" to be executed. But his courage betrayed him and his confusion was demonstrated while attempting to "button" his jacket, so his status was exposed and he appeared in a reality of disorder and fear of the results of the trial.
He entered the dock and was met with applause from his colleagues who had been arrested and were in the dock pending trial. They raised his morale which led him to insist that he is still the legitimate president of Egypt.
The trial did not last for long and the sitting was adjourned after specifying Wednesday, January 8, 2014 to give the court the time required to examine the merits of the public prosecutor. The accused was then transferred to the prison, "Burj Al Arab" in Alexandria for protection in anticipation of what can be done by his supporters of trying to smuggle or kill him.
Since Dr Morsi’s dismissal from governance, Egypt has been on a hot tin. The Brothers have stirred up and surged, and they had turned Egypt in all the provinces to the fields of war, and they undertook the Signal of Rabea al-Adaweya as a centre for them to congregate and setting up their platform and collecting crowds around them, addressing and feeding them before and during the celebration of the Holy Month of Ramadan. They even created from the al-Nahdha Square in front of Cairo University another centre for their gatherings and building of adequate fortifications to protect them.  
The security forces of the police and the army delayed in the making of explicit, clear and must be taken decision to resolve the sit-ins, making it difficult to work out later during the resolution that was done after the month of Ramadan, which gave the opportunity for the involved Brotherhood members to escape.
Dr Morsi had been arrested and removed from power and placed under the protection of the Republican Guard, who were entrusted with the protection of the deposed president. I read on the social network site "Facebook" an article about the last days of the rule of Morsi in the months of June and July and his attempts in exploiting the commander of the Republican Guard, Major General Ahmed Fouad Zhaki, to carry out a coup against Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and arrest him, and in return be would appoint him as the minister of defence. It was natural that he would be shocked by the rejection of the commander of the Republican Guard and emphasising that he only had the responsibility of the protection of the Federal Palace and his Excellency.
Let me convey to you this part of the article.
[Morsi summoned the commander of the Republican Guard promptly and talked to him about his tenure as the Minister of Defence, and this talk was preceded by communications by the deposed President with the American administration and contacts with leaders in the Brotherhood. And although Morsi had did not have a sense of relief in the Guard commander, but he tried it. The commander of the Guard was ready to respond, saying “there is no traitor among us, and my role is to protect the homeland and the citizens, and there is a defence minister performing his duty like the rest of the leaders”; and he immediately went out, and all that happened was shared with al-Sisi
In the meantime, Morsi tried to arrange a number of visits to the outside and that was at the time of speech to be given by the armed forces, but the commander of the Republican Guard prevented Morsi from leaving the country at that time to Turkey. 
The head of the Turkish intelligence was behind the idea of ​​Morsi’s travelling at that time until the clarity of the vision, but the plot was uncovered and he was prevented from travelling. 
The Guards commander told the president that evening “respond to the people's will to ensure the safety of the homeland”. Morsi responded “which people, the real people is the one behind me and will not abandon the legitimacy to shake, and it is not chaos, we are a civilian government elected by the will of the people. We will not go back again”. The Republican Guards was securing Morsi and transporting him to the place of his imprisonment during that time, thereafter, at intervals, he was in one of the resting places of the guard.  
And when the 'Sheikha' was arrested, they found “Thuraya Phone” with him. And his last contacts were with people inside Palestine, and it had on it messages that said “begin moving immediately to protect the president.” 
Then a verbal clash took place between Osama, the son of Mohammed Morsi and Republican Guard officers. He said “we will kill anyone who attempts to touch the chair, we are not going back to military rule again, do you understand what that means?]
It is clear here that Dr Morsi was not well intentioned in the rule of Egypt. A year had lapsed on his rule and he did not have one act to prove that he was an Egyptian President for the Egyptian people consisting of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi, Shiite and Bahaii, Sinais and Nubians and Arabs, and with of these, there are Christians. He sided with his family and his clan. He took an elite of them to service him and access to the group’s ends of the speed of the empowerment of the Egyptian institutions and joints of Egypt. The saddest thing was selling Egypt to the highest bidder, with the working out of deals with the owners of the money smuggled out of Egypt in agreement with them on the repatriation of funds or parts of them while allowing them to return to work in Egypt. It is natural that the money recovered did not enter the state treasury, but entered in their accounts abroad.
Dr Morsi committed during his reign all that would dampen the brow of honourable people, from contracts and contacts and calls to non-Egyptians abroad to defend him and his group in exchange for their ownership of Egypt's vital institutions such as the Suez Canal and the like. He even caused the humiliation of the Egyptian people by preventing bio-fuel to run the country and sending it to his beloved Hamas which represented the political arm of the group. Egyptian people became hungry, and penitential groups and hoodlum ones started appearing in Egypt which is still until this moment experiencing them; all this and his Excellency rants that he was working for Egypt.  And we ask “which Egypt is this that you were working for it and its people? You have betrayed the trust. The fact is that you did not take an oath to serve Egypt and the Egyptian people; but you were working on bowing Egypt to the mob who were dreaming of their wish to be big although they were dwarfs who were deceived by pictures of oil money to think they're giants.
We waited for the day of the trial of Dr Morsi and those who were arrested from the group last Monday, 4 November 2013, to see the venerable Court issue its ruling; even in the dividing the hearing between the prosecution for what it would submit of evidence to convict each of them separately. Then specify different dates for each one of them individually to discuss the charges against him by the public prosecution in the presence of whoever will defend him or them if necessary to be tried together, even if I would prefer the trial of Dr Morsi to be independent for his person only.
But with deep regret, what has resulted in that the court postponed the trial to the 8th of January of the year 2014, is just a waste of time, effort and money that the Egyptian people is in most need for it in order to recover its economic health to what it was, and not squandering it in the protection and care of murderers, thieves and enemies of Egypt and the Egyptian people for their unbelief and their conviction that Egypt is the homeland for all Egyptians. But they prefer to be ruled by a Malaysian Muslim who is better than the authentic Egyptian who loves Egypt because it is his country and the country of his ancestors. And it is enough for argument’s sake to quote their previous guide, Mahdi, who said "to hell with Egypt and the Egyptian people." Is it wise what the court has done? Or is it what the title of this article confirms: 
What is this clowning, O Messrs!