We Are at WAR!
Yes we are at war but where is the enemy?
We all know Egypt is at war on TERROR, However, we on the title does not just refer to Egypt the referee here includes Syria, Iraq,, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia Kingdom, Yemen, Libya, and the middle East in General this area is at a continuous war since ever!
Great we identified who are the “We” but wars in general need an enemy so who is that ENEMY?
Watching the news for a few moments will immediately suggest the Enemy is none other than Israel!
But R.I.P Sadat, Begin and Carter in Camp David agreed that 1973 war was the last war which means Israel can not be the enemy any more!
For the negotiations leading to the 1979 Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, see Camp David Accords. For the summit in 2000, see 2000 Camp David Summit.