Few years ago this incident happened in Los Angelos at 1992 a black man his name Rodney king has a criminal record ,American police officers suspected may be he committed a crime drugs or else and one of these police officer or more i did not remember attacked this black man and hit him ,in same time somebody from public he has video camera and he took a pictures of this accident ,finally the authorities here in America arrested these police officers and compensated this black man for $2,000.000.00 (black criminal man) i do not think same thing will happened to (Christian Copts ) in Egypt if he has same incident from egyptian police officer and remember also American people elected last year Barak Husain Obama (black man from minorities ) i do not think also egyptian people one day will elect a Christian Copts man to be president of Egypt.
By-Christian American Coptic
Short But Not Sweet
Sunday ,14 February 2010