During my visit to the United States yesterday, I picked up a copy of USA TODAY newspaper. There was an article in section 8A Opinion Thursday August 22, 2013. Under the address “Egypt Christians Need Help written by Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas. I'd like to bring you this article that shows you how some American politicians think.
Last Friday, the Muslim Brotherhood has organized demonstrations all over Egypt. Yet, they proved the decline of the number of MB supporters. There was only 38 marches in 8 provinces. The biggest one was in north Cairo and had only 1200 protesters. Furthermore, demonstrations in 4 provinces were canceled. Only one Molotov cocktail was used by a man who was arrested right away.
The Egyptian people have revolted demanding freedom, dignity and social justice. They demonstrated against futile rulers and regimes that made the Egyptians suffer under miserable social and economic conditions. Many reasons caused escalating waves of anger that pushed millions of Egyptians to demonstrate and overthrow Mubarak's regime. Soon, the Muslim Brotherhood came in power and proved even more failure and produced more lying in the name of Islam. Therefore, the Egyptians decided to put an end to this futile regime as well the dreams of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sunday prayers were canceled for the first time in 1,600 years at the Orthodox Monastery of the Virgin Mary and Priest Ibram in Degla, south of Minya, in Egypt on Aug. 18, according to Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom. This happened because three churches had been destroyed by a mob. That wasn’t the only incident of violence against Christians that has resulted in dozens of deaths and widespread destruction of Christian properties since Mohammed Morsi was removed from power by the Egyptian military.
For the past few weeks and since the wonderful stand up of Egyptians in Love of Egypt I dedicated my writings to the world to explain that this was, is and remains the will of people not the Army this was a revolution!
There is no doubt that we are now living in a huge conspiracy that is currently led by the United States, and all other Western Countries. They want Egypt to be like Syria, Iraq, and Libya. This has been the project and goal of the States for a long time: converting all countries into one whole big “Middle East.”
I write this to clarify some truths that you might have chosen to overlook in your endeavor to secure your interests in Egypt or due to pressure applied by the US over all the countries of Europe I’m an Egyptian Copt, a dual national. I hold the Swedish nationality, so I consider myself a European citizen. I was one of seven ex-patriots sentenced to death in absentia simply for being a Christian.
The United States allied with political Islamists against communism and the Soviet Union. Soon, this trained ally was turned into an armed monster in Afghanistan. This monster turned against America and many Arab and Islamic countries that previously supported him with money and weapons. A wave of terrorism started in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and African countries in the nineties against American targets, till it reached its peak on September 9, 2001.
The Egyptian government has finally moved to implement the authorization of the people to eliminate the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, security forces moved wisely to disperse Rabaa El Adaweya and Nahda sit-ins. This was a strong message to the fanatics says: the people are fed up with your threats.
What is happening in the land of Egypt these days is just a duplicate of what is happening in the Syrian territory and what happened in the lands of Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia and is still happening.
Take a good look on this people in the picture below; Do you see Egyptians? Who are those and from where they come? Who allowed them inside Egypt? Why any of those guys who obviously are not Egyptians would be upset or asking the return of the ousted Morsy -whom I never acknowledged as president-! More Conclusions The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, along with six workers of the Suez Canal Company. Al-Banna was a schoolteacher, to promote implementing of traditional Islamic sharia law and a social renewal based on an Islamic ethos of altruism
The situation in Egypt as of now is quite dire, and furthermore, there is a huge rift amongst Canadian Egyptians as well. There is a rift between Pro-Morsi supporters and an unidentifiable opposition. To the average Joe, even “Western Media” the Army is seen as a coup, where we are back to square one as a dictatorship. The opposing members are seen as “Pro-coup” which is completely wrong. Here’s the facts you need to know in order to understand the reality of the situation, and how wrong Western Media is portraying the whole ordeal.
Couple of years ago, I was attending a meeting in the U.S. Congress in Washington. I needed to use the bathroom, but I didn't know how to get there. Then, a nice gentleman guided me to the bathroom. I thought I know him, and I really was. He was the famous American Senator Lindsey Graham.
Throughout history, there has been always a conflict between progress and backwardness. In Egypt, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are only seeking backwardness. They want Egypt to live in the Middle Ages when the apostates were killed, the hands of thieves were cut off and adulterous were stoned.
We must acknowledge that we have a serious sectarian problem that turns many common problems between two citizens of different religions into a religious holy war! Those who do not recognize this are either ignorant or evil people seeking some political interests.
Each day, we hear about the achievements of protestors at Rabaa El Adaweya sit-in. They built bathrooms in the streets as well as a theater for entertainment. Furthermore, they built fortifications in order to defend their holy land and prevent “the enemies” from reaching their camps. Those protestors are willing to defend their sit-in and to sacrifice even the minors they kidnapped from orphans’ shelters and women who seek martyrdom in order to please God as they were told in that sit-ins.
Almost a month ahead on 9/11/2013 it will be the 12th. memorial of the WTC attack! WTC short for World Trade Centre, as we all remember four commercial passenger aircraft were used as directed bombs towards the twine towers of WTC and other targets causing thousands of deaths huge fires lead to the collapse of the WTC!
There is no doubt that we now live in big chaos. Islamic groups are burning the churches, killing the innocent people, destroying shops, and swearing to do more and continue to burn all of Egypt just because of Morsi. Let's think in the following way: suppose that the 3 of July was a coup, does that mean the whole country deserves to be burned? Because of Dr. Morsi and the Chair of Presidency? Does that mean more than 20 churches deserve to be burned and Copts murdered for no reason?
Greetings, Allow me Lieutenant General to express my opinion on a sensitive issue related to Egypt’s future. It was an initiative from the people that launched the 25 January revolution, just like the revolution in 1919, and all of us are proud of this. We toppled an unjust regime under which people had suffered from need, corruption, and oppression.
Upon returning from a two-week trip abroad, the level of hatred towards the Muslim Brotherhood that I found in every person I spoke to is unprecedented and shocking. From the moment I boarded the plane in New York until I left the airport in Cairo there was a constant theme to every small talk conversation I engaged in, from the air stewardess to the customs official: a complete loss of patience and lack of any kind of compassion towards the Brotherhood and their supporters. The continued marches, the sieges of neighbourhoods and the blockage of roads on daily basis during Ramadan, a month during which any street activity during is unacceptable to the general population, has unleashed the inner fascist in many Cairenes.
Activists take to the streets in downtown Cairo on Wednesday against a new protest law enforced with a string of arrests and the use teargas against crowds a day earlier