We can see again that Saad El Deen Ibrahim wants to play in the same role he played 7 years ago with the Muslim Brotherhood. It was the time when he was trying to convince American Administration that the Muslim Brotherhood is the only alternative after Mubarak and they can shoulder the responsibility after the Mubarak regime.
Right from the beginning we have witnessed a man who is blunt, brave, and to the point. I remember where I was when Sisi made his notorious announcement that ultimately led to the ousting of Morsi, do you?
When I see the situation of the Christians in the Middle East, I can’t prevent myself from blaming the United States. Since the US decided to go to war against Iraq and then leave it to Al-Qaida, this led to the evacuation of the Christians and not only that, but also killing them as the first step to eradicate Christianity from the middle east.
In the coming days we will have Elena Dzamashvili perform at the Cairo Opera House. It is often said that music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Troubled children are often placed into music programs to give them an outlet they can focus on and relieve their stress. Violinists are said to live shorter lives than anyone else because of the connection their heart makes to the music they produce. What is it about music that makes people calm, and brings peace to a situation?
A recent documentary was released titled, “The Square.” It is a highly acclaimed documentary supported exclusively on the American “Netflix” streaming website. It is even in fact nominated for an Oscar, which will be on March 2nd, 2014.
It is safe to approximate that Egypt’s labour force is split into three categories. We have about thirty-one percent working in agriculture, seventeen percent in industrial work, and fifty-two percent in the service industry.
I can understand how many challenges face Egypt now. I can see just how much the religious groups threaten Egypt and the community. I can understand the need for a strong person to be in power and rule Egypt. What I can’t understand is that none of the political parties in the Egyptian community were able to introduce this person until the moment. These political parties were blaming Mubarak before, saying that he is the reason of failure. They were also always accusing Mubarak's regime of not giving them the opportunity to work in the street to gain supporters.
After the referendum, the question we should ask now is what’s next? I mean what is the next step we should follow? The result of the referendum was modest in my opinion. About 36% of the people that has the right to vote participated.
Lately, I can assurdley say that all people want the Defence Minister Al Sisi to be the next president. All political powers also push him to run for the presidential elections as the only way to solve Egypt’s problem.
I read a lot of campaigns everyday that call for supporting the constitution from all demographics in society. As it is right for people to support the constitution, it is also right for people to vote against it. If we prevented people from expressing their opinion frankly, it means we may fall back into the fascist regime.
In a few days we will be in the new year and in the Eastern Orthodox Christmas. In this new year we should keep our hope for a better life. Throughout all the difficulties that faced Egyptians all over the world, Jesus gave us hope with His birth. He gave us hope not only for a better life, but also for the eternal life.
Egypt is facing now a very severe enemy. Enemy which is hard to see and hard to deal with it. Egypt Now is facing a real terrorism. Egypt is facing also a new kind of terrorism. It didn’t witness it long time ago. There is no doubt that many foreign countries are interfering in Egypt now. There are many countries and groups supporting the militant groups in Sinai and many other districts in Egypt.
There is a great debate nowadays about what should come first, the Parliamentary elections or the Presidential elections. Some believe that the Presidential elections should come first because that will help the country have stability and move forward. But the problem with that suggestion that it is against the road map settled on the 30th of June, which planned the parliament elections to come first.
I have recently read most of the articles in the constitution. I cannot deny that there are many good articles in the constitution, especially that refer to the rights of women and minorities. Also, there are many articles included for the fist time that refer to the Martyrs of the Church in the constitution.
Responsibility is not just a word but it is an action. What has happened to the Copts lately in MInya shows how much the Police and the Government are carless for everything that has happened to the Copts. Up until now, 50 houses have been burned, two have been killed and many have been injured. The Police have left the situation for 2 days without any actions. What does it mean? Does it mean that the Police want to interfere only after Copts have died?
Lately all nation are talking about the demonstrations law. Some of them are with and some are against. Some people think that this law will help the country to calm down and go forward and some others think the opposite, they think that this law will let Egypt back to be police country.
Egypt is facing a fatal danger again. This time, however, it is with a very dangerous group, some even multi-national terrorists. We all remember what Egypt went through in1990 when terrorists attacked and killed students, politicians, and intellectuals. After 5 years of battling this terrorism, Egypt could finally be victorious over the war. Now terrorism returns more fatal and severe than ever. Christians are being killed in churches, soldiers in Sinai, police members in assassinations, and various types of death are sweeping the country. Bombs are used, as well as explosions, gunshots, and any other means to kill innocent people who are just trying to protect their country.
The mystery of the Constitution that we live in nowadays is ridiculous. I have many reservations about this Constitution. First, there is no clear information about what’s going on inside the Fifty Committee. Second, I can feel that there are many differences between its members. Third, there are many difficulties we will expect to face when voting comes, as well as there is no campaign to spread the awareness among the nation.
The latest statement from the CBC channel to not broadcast the last episode of the program, "Albernameg" by Basem Youssef is a very dangerous sign to how the opinions and expressions of freedom will be handled in the future. How could this happen after the 30th of June? Does it means we have returned backwards and not forwards? I believe that no progress can happen for any country as long as it is being prevented of expressing opinions. Especially if they are still committed to the main values of society.
Sometimes you find yourself unable to express what to say, especially if the situation you face is incredibly difficult, and is the equivalent to losing one of your sons and having the other one in the hospital in intensive care and in a critical situation.
I can understand that Egypt needs to calm down after a long time of demonstrations, and strikes that has been present from the past two years. At the same time, however, we can't use this reason to kill the right of demonstrating. I am speaking mainly about the last demonstration law issued by the Government. We put a lot of restrictions to practice the rights of demonstrating. One of these restrictions in this law is that no demonstrations in front of governmental or
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